Love Witness part 2

Love is not what they claimed inhabited our relationship
It was desire masquerading as adorement
I spit in the face of tough love
This was not love when you left me
Outside in the rain; umbrella-less
You walked on
Made me choose between my divine path and you
Love is what warms me when I am alone
It screams my name and hugs me
Wipes my tears and tells me to laugh hard
Because it is my audience of one
Smiles when I leave its wings
Because it knows I one step behind my destiny
And it is following me
Love will be with me when I fail
Pick me up, kiss me and push me back out
It tells me that I am priceless
Everything about me is valuable
And no man deserves my virtues
It reads my palms and sees my future
Which it is an unvarying factor of,
Love is the void in my heart
For it is waiting for another heart
Voided just as big for a perfect fit
When I am no longer clouded, with teenage infatuation
When I have found the other heart,
I will tell you
So many times have given mine out first
This time; they will engage me with theirs
But for now
Love is what speaks to me at night
In morning tells me, I am a queen
And walks with me day after day.

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