Despite its small population of just over two million people, Namibia has almost 40 trade unions split into three federations. The largest trade union federation is the National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW), which represents an estimated 60 000–70 000 workers.
- Tagged under Democracy & Governance
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceHumanity has entered an interregnum of long duration and ever-increasing morbid symptoms. This conjuncture will generate a whole layer of populist leaders and movements, and new waves of suppression and militarism for the foreseeable future.
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceThe Namibian national teachers’ strike that lasted almost two weeks from the 29 October until 8 November 2012 represents the most significant political challenge to the SWAPO-led government since political independence.
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceIntroduction
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceWith the inauguration of the President-elect of The Gambia scheduled for 19 January 2017, the situation in that country is of grave concern to us, as it is to many fellow Africans.
The Centre for Human Rights makes the following calls:
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceThis is a historic week in the world as far as democratic transitions are concerned.
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceOnly death can end both the spell to bewitch and the prerogative to dominate - and sometimes even death can snuff out power from a tyrant. The killing of a tyrant is especially designed to echo the leader’s vices (Jammeh is a narcissist, killer, bigot and misogynist).
It is really a curse for any country to be saddled with a morally bankrupt political leadership.
As families and friends and peoples heartily exchange the customary best wishes for the New Year, west Africa’s most notorious Murdering Inc., genocidist Nigeria, is already putting final touches to the launch of its New Year’s early bloodbath episode.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance The Gambia, President Yahya Jammeh, ECOWAS
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